Jinan whole house customization to maintain the overall coordination mainly includes the following aspects:
1. 設計風格統一:在進行全屋定制時,首先要確定一個清晰的設計風格,如現代簡約、歐式古典、中式傳統等。確保所有定制家具的風格與整體室內設計方向保持一致。
1. Unified design style: When customizing the whole house, we must first determine a clear design style, such as modern simplicity, European classical, Chinese traditional and so on. Ensure that the style of all custom furniture is consistent with the overall interior design direction.
2. 色彩搭配:色彩是影響家居美感的重要因素。在全屋定制中,要注意色彩之間的搭配和過渡,盡量避免顏色沖突,使用相近色系或者互補色來創造和諧的視覺效果。
2. Color matching: Color is an important factor affecting the beauty of the home. In the whole house customization, pay attention to the matching and transition between colors, try to avoid color conflicts, and use similar colors or complementary colors to create harmonious visual effects.
3. 材料選擇:材料的統一性也很重要。無論是木材、金屬還是玻璃等,應確保同種材料的色澤和紋理具有一致性。材料的質感也應與整體家居風格相符。
3. Material selection: Uniformity of materials is also important. Whether it is wood, metal or glass, etc., the color and texture of the same material should be ensured to be consistent. The texture of the material should also be consistent with the overall home style.
4. 空間布局:全屋定制除了考慮單件家具的功能外,還要考慮各家具之間的協調性,以及家具與空間整體布局的和諧。功能區域的劃分要合理,流線要順暢。
4. Space layout: In addition to considering the function of a single piece of furniture, the whole house customization should also consider the coordination between the furniture and the harmony between the furniture and the overall layout of the space. The division of functional areas should be reasonable, and the flow line should be smooth.
5. 功能配合:定制家具不僅要美觀還要實用。在設計時,要根據居住者的生活習慣進行合理布局,使每一件家具都能滿足使用者的需求。
5. Functional coordination: Custom furniture should not only be beautiful but also practical. In the design, it is necessary to carry out a reasonable layout according to the living habits of the occupants, so that every piece of furniture can meet the needs of the users.
6. 照明搭配:光線也會影響家具的整體感覺。適當的照明可以增強家具的美感和空間的層次感。根據定制的家具和空間設計合理的照明方案。
6. Lighting collocation: Light will also affect the overall feeling of furniture. Proper lighting can enhance the beauty of furniture and the sense of hierarchy of space. Design a reasonable lighting scheme based on custom furniture and space.
7. 適度定制:雖然定制家具可以充分利用空間,但也要避免過度定制。家居空間不僅需要家具的填充,還需要一些自由留白,以確保室內不會顯得過于擁擠。
7. Moderate customization: Although custom furniture can make full use of space, it is also necessary to avoid over-customization. Home Spaces not only need to be filled with furniture, but also need some free white space to ensure that the interior does not appear overcrowded.
Through the above points, it can not only ensure the overall coordination of the whole house customization in Jinan, but also improve the comfort and beauty of the home according to personal preferences.